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They call you reaver; raider, ravager, but you are no mere bandit or thief. Marauders crush their enemy’s spirit with fearsome glares and brash taunts, before carving into their flesh with lethal accuracy. Whether trained amidst the countless bandit hordes, or self-taught, a marauder is an unparalleled expert at facing the savageries of the galaxy head on.


You can make a berserker quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Strength, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the barbaric background. Suggested Backgrounds: Cybernetic, Junker, Lawbringer, Miner, Pirate, or Terraformer.

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Marauder Class Features

Here you will find an explanation of all Marauder features. This is a universal list of benefits given to all who play the class along with a summary of your equipment, hit points, and proficiencies. Below this section you will find your archetypes, which as a marauder you may pick when you reach 3rd level.


Arc Reaver

Arc Reavers are somewhat unique in their skillset. They fire quick bursts at multiple targets aiming namely to wound them. This makes them best suited to be part of a team, dealing a quick blow to multiple targets, then allowing their mates to finish the job.



Cybernaut/Cyberserker is for those who seek to increase their prowess through mechanical enhancement. Some who take this path go so far they are left with little more than the memory of the body they once owned, all to achieve in combat what they cannot with a body made of flesh and bone.



Breachers enjoy being the first into battle, utilizing close range weapons, flashbangs, or the like to disrupt the enemy at the beginning of a fight. However, if a fight drags on, they often find themselves at a disadvantage. 

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